Superannuation (SMSF) Advisory Newcastle
A Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) gives you control over where you invest your money. You’re not at the mercy of fund managers who invest your money based on your risk profile.

A comfortable retirement
Over your lifetime you’ll probably have two main assets: a home and superannuation.
No matter how much the legislative changes are affecting how much you can accrue in super, it’s still the most effective tax vehicle. The government always uses it as a budgetary tool. If you’re comfortable investing in a property or term deposits rather than shares, you can. In adverse events like the global financial crisis, you can be proactive and shield yourself with a SMSF.
Whether you need help with an SMSF audit, setting up a SMSF, managing your SMSF, tax planning services, SMSF compliance and administration or technical support, we can help.
Key SMSF services

The best for you and your business
Why partner with us?
Our specialist superannuation team can advise you how and if your situation would benefit from a SMSF. Setting up your fund correctly is critical. We can advise you or do it for you.
Then there’s the all-important strategy to make sure your superannuation investment gets the best possible results for you and your family, short term and longer term. You can invest your money exactly where you feel most comfortable. That might be shares, property or term deposits.
At Pitcher Partners Newcastle and Hunter, we’ve implemented live reporting technology so you can see how your portfolio is progressing whenever you want to. The information is at your fingertips. You don’t have to wait for months after an event to make a change and we always keep up-to-date on SMSF compliance and SMSF audits. It’s designed to give you peace of mind.
Our SMSF expert
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We are one of the leading accounting firms in Newcastle. Schedule a consultation to see how we can help you and/or your business.
Partner with a firm that takes the time to understand your needs, with personalised service and advice to help you achieve your goals.
“The great benefit of having your own fund is control. You choose what you invest in…and superannuation is still the most effective tax vehicle.”
– Derek Bouman, Partner at Pitcher Partners Newcastle and Hunter
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